Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Streaming Video @ Atkins

Streaming Video at Atkins Library

By now you’re all aware of the power of streaming video. Most of you (us) use it in your (our) homes (Netflix anyone?), but how many of you use streaming video in your classes?  Ever wonder how to engage your students in a particularly difficult lesson? Streaming video has the power to engage and captivate students. What about those of you who are trying to flip your classrooms?  Instead of creating your own videos, consider using a short video clip from our streaming video databases.  

I want to take this opportunity to remind you about the extensive streaming video collection we have at Atkins Library.  In fact, we have several collections of streaming video representing many different subjects and topics. Our Alexander Street Collection (access this collection through the A-Z Database list) includes three collections: Dance in Video, Ethnographic Video and LGBT Studies in Video.  

You can browse our Films on Demand collection by subject or you can look at specific collections like the World Cinema Collection, which includes documentaries, feature films, series, and video segments.  Access our Films on Demand collections through our A-Z Database list.   Other video collections available to you through the library include PBS Video, video collection and the NCLive video collection.  With your NinerNet username and password, you have access to hundreds of streaming videos to use in your classrooms.  

If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me,, or Judy Walker,,.  I hope you all have a great start to the new school year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this blog - so helpful to know about the video streaming resources on campus!
