If you’re like Judy and me, you are intrigued by all of the free educational tools out there on the internet. A lot of you are probably using one or more website, tool, or app in your classes this semester. How did you decide which website, tool, or app or use? Where did you hear about it? Who recommended it to you? I’m betting you learned about the tools you use in your classroom from another professor or instructor or teacher. Teachers know stuff!
I’m going to tell you something you probably already know: librarians know stuff too. Every year the American Library Association and the American Association of School Librarians publish a list of Best Websites for Teaching and Learning. The title of this list is a bit misleading because in addition to websites the list includes apps and tools and streaming video and other cool resources to use in your classrooms (face-to-face and online). This year tools like TouchCast, Booktrack Classroom, Gooru, and Code grabbed coveted spots on the list. Kahoot and Powtoon made the list in 2014. Odds are, at least one of the online tools you use for work or for play has made this list!
Take a look at the Best Websites for Teaching and Learning. If you have time, play around with one or two of the resources. You might find a new tool to use in your classroom that will engage your students and maximize learning. It’s worth a look, right?
Great resource! Thank you for sharing the link to this Best Websites page - I like that they annotated all the different websites and apps linked on the page.